On the way to a

Sustainable day

TechniShow and Jaarbeurs are striving for a sustainable future. Together, we can make a bigger impact. Here you will find 5 useful tips for a sustainable day at TechniShow.

5 Useful tips

2. Download the event app

You can find your ticket in the Event app. Download the app and show the QR code on your ticket at the entrance. Use the app to navigate the event and find exhibitors, speakers, and activities. This eliminates the need for a program booklet, saving thousands of tons of paper annually.

3. Separate your waste

Inside all buildings of Jaarbeurs, you’ll find separate waste bins. Materials like paper and plastic are largely recycled. This saves raw materials, energy, and money.

4. Enjoy a sustainable bite

Discover vegetarian, local, and seasonal dishes at the Moments locations and restaurants.

Thirsty? Use your own water bottle. This way, we use tons less plastic together, and you’ll always have something to drink on hand.